The Voter: April 2015
Welcome Spring!
Members: This is a must-read document. We will make crucial decisions for our
2015-16 year at our annual dinner based on the announcements within this newsletter.
Chillicothe-Ross LWV’s President’s Message: Celebration of 2014-2015

This will be the last Voter of the year and full of information that members must have prior to the annual meeting in May. These include minutes from our last annual meeting, program proposals and an opportunity to work with the Gazette on community building, budget proposal, by-laws changes, and nominees for the 2015-16 Board. Most importantly it is an opportunity to celebrate the many ways that our League is contributing to Ross County.
You will find new proposed by-laws changes that a very thoughtful and thorough committee worked on in January and February. Many thanks for Dawn Zarbakhsh, Portia Boulger, Nancy King and Sarah Skinner for hours of studying language and intent. The intent is to have clarity that any new member can understand. We will vote on these changes at our May 26 dinner at the new First Capital Enterprises building on Douglas Avenue (see the enclosed map). This was previously the Knights of Columbus building and is now a very nice restaurant facility. Look for more information in this Voter.
The April 28 program will be at the Northside Library. Commissioner Doug Corcoran and Sheriff George Lavender will be presenting information on the Ross County communications and radio systems. Commissioner Corcoran chaired a committee on the topic after concerns were raised in 2012 and will discuss the conclusions. This is an important safety issue. The meeting begins at 7:00 but we will have refreshments available starting at 6:30.
The Natural Resources Committee met with Gary Merkamp of the Ross County Litter Control and discussed information about recycling. The committee is working to update a flyer entitled “How to Recycle” which we hope to distribute during the April 18th Earth Gathering in Yoctangee Park. There is also a Scioto River Clean up that day and anyone interested should meet in the soccer complex (annex) to get bags and instructions. You will get dirty so wear old clothes. This committee is also the umbrella for the third year of our community garden behind the ADAMH Board on Chestnut St. Anyone interested in planting or weeding please let a board member know.
Annual Dinner
When: May 26 gathering at 5:30, dinner at 6:00
Where: First Capital Enterprises on Douglas Avenue (see map)
Menu: Chicken and Beef, Green Beans, Mashed Potatoes, Salad, Rolls, Dessert. Coffee, Tea, and Water
Cost: $15 per person.
If you bring a guest the cost for that person will be $7.50 and our League will pick up the balance.
This is a good opportunity to bring someone that you think might be interested in joining the group.
Reservation Deadline: May 22, 2015
Please contact either Mary Martin at 740-772-2186 or Bart Henshaw at 740-773-6702 to RSVP
Minutes from the 2014 Annual Meeting
A must read for our upcoming annual meeting. Submitted by our current Secretary Cheryl Richards.
Chillicothe-Ross League of Women Voters
Annual Meeting 5/6/14 Adena Mansion
5:30pm - 6:00 pm Registration and Gathering at the Visitor’s Center
6:00 pm – Welcome by League President Bart Henshaw and the pledge was said.
6:15 pm – Dinner was served by Joe McFadden
6:45 pm - Margaret Planton, League Archivist presented “A Synopsis of Decades of Good Works and Interesting people”. We followed the years from 1958-59, 1969-70, 1976-77, 1983-84, 1991-92 and 2002-03. On September 5th, 1978, the league voted to send $100.00 to support the E.R.A.
Business Meeting:
Secretary Report:
Motion to approved: Nancy King
Seconded by: Fran Brown
Motion carried by unanimous affirmation
Treasurer Report:
Motion to approved: Sharon Verhoff
Seconded by: Kit Kinnamon
Motion carried by unanimous affirmation
Discussion to raise the membership dues since the economy is not as bad as in the past. It will not go into effect this year but next year. Discussion on when should we use the charitable fund and where and who decides where the money goes. Dawn purposed to re-activate the committee who decides where the money should go.
Motion to approve: Nancy
Seconded by: Fran Brown
Motion carried by unanimous affirmation
Committee Reports:
Membership (Karen Rieder and Sarah Skinner)
Have been to training called MID which means, Membership, Leadership Development. This helps the leagues to expand their membership and not put too much on new members.
Publicity (Dawn Zarbakhsh and Sarah Skinner):
We do have a webpage and everyone can get on it and see what is going on in the league. Also, Dawn is doing the voter and anyone who has anything to put in it let Dawn know.
Community Action (Betsy Moore)
Bert will talk about community action since Betsy is working the polls tonight. Betsy sits on the board at community action and they have a lot of thing going on. They have head start, shelter for men, HEAP program and funds seem to be steady. The shelter for men is only open at night.
Voter Services (Sharon Verhoff and Denise Ruby)
Very productive year. Candidates night will be September 30, 2014@The Ross County Service Center.
Program Committee (Ruth Tootle and Portia Boulger)
We will not be picking programs this evening. Ruth and Portia are going to the convention so we are going to wait and see what they bring back. Some of the topics that are still an interest are: Water Quality, Fracking and Human Trafficking.
Board Nominations for 2014-2015:
VP for Programing: Portia Boulger
Treasurer: Mary Martin
Motion made to approve: Nancy King
Seconded by: Dawn Zarbakhsh
Motion carried by unanimous affirmation
Committee Nominations:
Voter Services: Sharon Verhoff
Natural Resources: Denise Ruby and Liz Gibbons-Camp
History and Mystery Tour: Dawn Zarbakhsh, Jan Nusbaum, Sarah Skinner and Bart Henshaw (This will be held on October 12, 2014).
There will be an August social gathering. Details to follow.
Meeting Adjourned @8:15 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Cheryl Richards
League of Women Voters
League of Women Voters Proposed Budget 2015-2016

Submitted by our current treasurer Mary Martin
Estimated income
PMP (45 members) x $55 $2,475
Ghost walk $5,000
Christmas auction $200
Total estimated income $7,675
Total in Janney Montgomery $5,091.42
Proposed expenditures
PMP (45 members x $55) $2,475
Website Maintenance $200
Publicity & Voter $500
Annual dinner $700
Convention (state) $1,500
Voter services $300
Statehood day $450
Publications $300
Liability insurance $547
Charitable fund $1,000
Membership assistance $200
Total estimated expenses $8,172
Board Nominations for 2015-2016
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The following positions are up for election for this year. This is a list of individuals who have expressed interest. Nominations will be taken from the floor also at the annual dinner.
President (2 yr)
Bart Henshaw
1st VP of Program (I yr)
Sarah Skinner
2nd VP of Membership (2 yr)
Cheryl Richards
Secretary (2 yr)
Voter Service Chair (2 yr)
Sharon Verhoff
We need a volunteer to serve as secretary and also would like to have a person to work with voter service to learn about Candidates’ Night and other voter service activities.
Proposed Program Topics for 2015-2016 Program Year
The following suggestions have come from members for consideration at the annual dinner where topics for the coming year will be chosen. Please think which of these will create the most informative and interesting combination for discussion next year.
A special note about “Five to Thrive”
On March 1st the Chillicothe Gazette began a community improvement series entitled Five to Thrive. The five goals include:
Closing the Skills Gap
Creating Drug-Free Workplaces
Develop the Next Generation of Leadership
Building Community Pride
Increasing Education as a Priority
In the last few weeks we have started discussion with the editors about facilitating conversations about these topics and initiating a community wide discussion. We intend to provide a forum for these conversations regardless of the Programming choices selected by the membership; however, several of our options (as indicated below) also overlap or intersect the topics of the Gazette’s focus. Therefore, it may be possible for this year’s Programming to have an even greater reach and influence if our Programming selections also align with those listed in “Five to Thrive”. Please consider this as you make your choices.
1. County Programs to Reduce Drug Use
Five to Thrive: Creating Drug-Free Workplaces
We had three programs this past year that highlighted the problem in the county with opiate addiction. Members have asked that we look now at programs such as the drug court, new rehabilitation centers, and coalitions among churches within the county and possible major grant award to learn about treatment options. Rita Hawkins will present information on this topic.
2. Charter Schools
Five to Thrive: Increasing Education as a Priority
This is a study at the state level and of local interest. Has recent legislation created adequate accountability of charter school funding and expenditures? What is the link between corporate power and charter schools?
3. Human Trafficking
After three educational programs this committee is now looking at ways in which the religious community is talking about human trafficking and how individuals can make an impact by reducing or preventing trafficking in our area. The Programming for this topic would focus on implementing an action in the community.
4. Voting Issues
Five to Thrive: Next Generation of Leadership
Gerrymandering now dictates who our representatives will be more than voters. What has happened to the Ohio plan to fairly dived congressional districts? Another voting issue is money in campaigns, is there any effort for new campaign finance legislation. Judicial Reform; should judges be appointed and not elected? How can judges if they are elected be clearly free of party politics?
5. Women’s Health and Nutrition
Ross County is close to the bottom of “healthy” counties in the state. What is happening to help improve the condition of health and nutrition among women and children? What are the barriers in reducing obesity and health care for women?
6. Income Inequality
Five to Thrive: Closing the Skills Gap
How does the widening gap between the richest Americans and others impact our sense of wellbeing, economy and political decision making? Who has the greatest ability to address the issue; business, voters, legislators, president?
7. Natural Resources
Recycling, clean water and a community garden are topics currently being studied by our committee. They can present a program update, create articles for the Voter, or implement new actions.
From the Archives

Part of our annual meeting is celebrating what we have done in the past year. Here from Margie Planton is what we have accomplished in past years. She is busy at work revising our records. If records are not seen, do we know what it is we have done?
From Margaret Planton:
Our CRLWV Archivist
League of Women Voters Archives
Fall 1999 to spring 2000
Co-Presidents Kit Kinnamon and Ella Kelly
Membership 28, William Bell
Candidates Night was 19 October at the Majestic Theatre
Chocolate Fantasy was 13 February at Scioto Township Hall
Programs included Medicare, school finance, redistricting and campaign finance reform- Granny D walked through Chillicothe; bylaws were updated
During Women’s History Month members portrayed women of the past at various schools
Our League was honored by LWVO for our over 20% increase in membership
Fall 2000 to spring 2001
President Kit Kinammon
No membership list
Candidates Night was 17 October at the Ross County Service Center
Chocolate Fantasy was 11 February at the Ross County Service Center
Programs included juvenile justice, proficiency testing, county planning land use
Fran Brown was honored by LWVO in Cleveland at a Leadership Awards Luncheon
Fall 2001 to spring 2002
President Nancy King
Members 32
Candidate’s Night 16 October at the Ross county Service Center
Chocolate Fantasy 10 February at the Pump House Art Gallery
Program theme was “Building the Future”, health care, family violence and juvenile justice
Women’s history month was celebrated with AAUW and BPW at the High School library, Ms. Beryl Anderson spoke on empowering women to participate in their communities.
The impact of the September 11 attacks were discussed at the Annual Meeting
Fall 2003 to spring 2004
President Dawn Zarbakhsh
Nancy King was elected to the State Board
Members 34, Wm Bell and Tom Castor
Candidate’s Night was 14 October, a program with candidate background answers was started
Chocolate Fantasy was 14 January at OUC
Programs included a panel about the Design Review Board, youth violence, LWVO study of the death penalty, continued support of recycling
Special breakfast meeting with AAUW was held 28 February, State Rep. John Schlicter was the speaker
Membership Dues for 2015-16
Many members choose to pay their dues in May at the annual dinner. Our membership is open from May until the end of September. For several years our League has subsidized all members at the $45.00 level to ease the burden on those that wished to be involved.
Two years ago we adopted a policy that allows the Board to give memberships or to assist in memberships for those that have need. Our board is now proposing that general membership will be $55.00 for the 2015-2016 year which will cover the state and national dues.
In addition to the Annual Dinner, dues can be also paid online with a credit card through our website, or via mailed check to the Vice President of Membership whose address will be posted in the Members area of the website once that position is filled.
Upgraded Website
The launch of the web site in 2013 opened many new opportunities for the League. Continuing on with that success, the League has upgraded its website package to one that provides additional pages, improved online forms, and a mobile-friendly site. Furthermore, in keeping with the non-profit nature of our organization, we are now listed as a .org instead of a .com.
Members can now create their own login name and password to access League features such as dues payments, membership directory, archived issues of The Voter, and League announcements.
Be sure to check out the upgraded site at
If you have any questions or suggestions for improvements to the site, contact Sarah Skinner via e-mail to
The End
Remember: We need your Vote at the Annual Dinner!