The Voter: November 2016
Notes from Bart Henshaw - League President
by Bart Henshaw, President

Do you remember any election cycle so full of rancor and suspense? Several friends have compared the 2016 Presidential election to a television series. The work of League is to stay above the drama and to educate voters about all candidates and to lobby against voter suppression. How proud we were that our Chillicothe Gazette advised voters to use the website Judicial Votes Count to learn about candidates for the Supreme Court and other races. How proud we are to know that our state League helped maintain early voting hours and other Leagues have been successful in turning back barriers to voting. There are many times this year that we have been complimented for the non-partisan information and the process that keeps League impartial and respected. Many thanks to all our foremothers and fathers for crafting a process that maintains civility.
Upcoming Events:

The Election is Over, Now What?
Nov.9, 1:00 pm - Schlegel’s
Join us for coffee and conversation as we discuss where we go from here now that the chaos of the election is finally over. Whether you want to vent, plan, relax, or cry, you can do it among friends who will respect your choices and perspective.
Primary Election Systems
Nov. 29, 7:00 pm - Northside Library
At the 2015 LWV Ohio convention, delegates approved a study of primary election systems. We will be reviewing a Study Guide & Consensus Questions prepared by the PES Study Committee and discussing our responses, which must be submitted by January 31, 2017
League Holiday Party
Dec. 10, 2:00 pm4971 Mount Tabor Rd.
Our Christmas Social and Auction will be from 2 to 4 on Saturday, at Cheryl Richard’s home. We are trying some different meeting times and structures to meet the needs of various members, especially those that don’t drive in the dark!

Help needed! Volunteer Call and Donation Request!
While an official fund-raiser to replace Ghost Walk has not yet been finalized, we still need to bring in money to fund League programs and educational efforts. To that end, we will be providing gift wrapping services at Bernie & Max in downtown Chillicothe during the holiday shopping season.
WE NEED YOUR HELP! We need people who enjoy the following activities:
wrapping presents
writing gift tags (neatly)
interacting with the community
We could also use donations of the following supplies:
wrapping paper
sorting baskets/hampers
Post it notes
If you are available to help on any of these days or can donate any of the listed supplies, please send an e-mail to or contact Bart at 740-773-6702 with the days and times you would like to help.
Dates and times needed:
Sat Nov 19th from 11am-4pm
Sat Nov 26th from 11am-4pm
Sat Dec 3rd from 11am-4pm
Sat Dec 17 from 11am-4pm
Wed Dec 21 from 3pm-6pm
Committee Reports
Voter Services Sharon Verhoff (Chair), Dawn Zarbakhsh and all League members.
Our LWV local league was able to register 60 new voters in time for National Voter Registration Day. Every school in Ross County was given literature for registering and poll working. All Superintendents, High School Principals, and US Government teachers were encouraged with follow-up calls and emails.Preparation for our League signature event, Candidates Night rolled out in July. Contact was made with both Party Chairs and literature/posters were taken to the Ross County Fair for their respective booths.Candidates night October 4 set up was fabulous and appreciated:

Sarah Skinner’s front loaded efforts on the website, views on the set design for the evening, and The Program (GET Emails of ALL candidates early and CONTACT them ourselves)
Thomas Zitzelberger facilitated heavy set up (LADDER)
Vanessa George shared her expertise in videography and her CHS broadcast class (WE FORGOT to discuss compensation for this service!)
Sharon Steinhoff organized decorated the room / food table and was an Audience question screener
Kit Kinnamon has screened for appropriate questions during Candidates Night for many years. (WE MUST HAVE 3)
Heather Hansford after focus on family concerns still provided ninja style pick up of questions and help with the food organization
Sally Rathkamp monitored the generous offerings of league members of food all evening
Bart Henshaw was available in the months of scheduling and organizing for the event, provided water for all of the candidates and guests, helped set up, welcomed everyone as we began - setting the tone for a wonderful evening (THE PRESIDENT should also END/CLOSE the program with final Reminders or instructions.)
Dawn Zarbakhsh was instrumental in the months of scheduling and organizing for the event and though involved in family constraints during the day of helped with set up and decorating, was League Questioner with a calm and direct reading of the questions
Samuel Steinhoff was our mega-focused time keeper.
Sharon Verhoff League Voter Service Chair & Moderator for the evening... (NOTES for future voter service activities, There are even more from our debriefing.)
Thanks to our league members who attended, it was nice to see Fran and Roy! The League of Women Voters of Ohio will participate in 2016 Election Protection - a combined program this year, utilizing an election observer reporting form developed in conjunction with the world-renowned Carter Center, and integrated into Ohio’s Election Protection program that stands outside polling places to answer voters’ questions and help troubleshoot problems.
Please note, our poll monitors are stationed OUTSIDE of polling locations where we are allowed to talk with voters. We are NOT inside the polls, because the only inside observers are sponsored by political parties and candidates (not nonpartisan) and they are not allowed to interact with voters. I want to make that clear.
Volunteers in Cuyahoga, Franklin, Hamilton, Lucas, Mahoning, Montgomery, Ross and Summit counties are participating on Election Day.
LWV Chillicothe/Ross is definitely volunteering to help us Make Democracy Work this election!
Highlights of Recent Events
Equal Means Equal For the national premiere of this excellent film depicting the history and need to continue support of the Equal Rights Amendment, the League paired with Women of the NAACP (WIN), AAUW and BPW to sponsor this event at Danbarry Cinema. Great impact, excellent cooperation.
Meet the League Steiner’s Speakeasy is a great place to gather for casual conversation and fun beverages. We had some new faces and look forward to more casual gatherings in the future.
Election Mayhem Chrissy Thompson, political reporter for the Cincinnati Enquirer, gave an excellent presentation on the challenge and importance of impartial reporting. The Electoral College handout prepared by Sarah Skinner is not only interesting but hopefully everyone has a copy for reference in the weeks to come as the college meets to finalize the election.
Candidates’ Night While we continue to have a challenge getting candidates whose districts are gerrymandered to be considered “safe” to respond to an invite to Candidates’ Night or to appear even when they accept the invitation and say that they are coming, Candidates Night on October 4 was a big success and the center of interesting insight into local and judicial races
Town Hall Meeting on Heroin Many thanks to the League members that came to the panel discussion at St. Paul’s Church on October 25. Cheryl Beverly had a panel of experts from around the country assembled and asked us to moderate. We have learned that this is everyone’s problem and we are all needed to work toward a solution. The heroin partnership is beginning to form volunteer opportunities. For those that have been asking, “How can I help?” there will be a meeting at Schlegel’s on November 10 at 6:00 pm to provide information.

Dates to Remember
November 8 Election Day - GO VOTE!
November 9 - 1:00 pm The Election is over - Now What? Schlegel’s
November 29 - 7:00 pm Primary Election Systems Northside Library
December 10 - 2:00 pm Holiday Party 4971 Mount Tabor Rd.
Gift Wrapping Fundraiser:
November 19 (Sat.) - 11 am - 4 pm
November 26 (Sat.) - 11 am - 4 pm
December 3 (Sat.) - 11 am - 4 pm
December 17 (Sat.) - 11 am - 4 pm
December 21 (Wed.) - 3 pm - 6 pm