The Voter: April 2016
All members need to read this issue! New officers and new topics for 2016-2017 will be voted on during our Annual Dinner. We need your vote!
Thoughts from the President: 2015-2016 In the last year we have been complimented and recognized for our community leadership and civic engagement. Our members have been writers, researchers, presenters and liaisons to various community organizations. We should be proud of our work on Candidates’ Night, Ghost Walk, The Drug Expo and coordinating with the Gazette on the Five to Thrive goals of community improvement. As the year comes to an end there is always the question, “Did we do enough? Are we providing members with the intellectual and social activities that they want? How can we learn more and have fun at the same time?” While planning the Drug Expo a representative from the State Mental Health Department exclaimed that she had never seen a civic group more “spot on” in community activism. We hope that you agree that your League is involved in making Ross County a stronger community.
One of our board members wrote an excellent letter about “Why League?” in which she asks if the organization continues to be relevant in almost 100 years after women won the right to vote. If you realize that a very small percentage of the elected leadership if female and women are still fighting for equal pay. I quote, “It’s not enough to be engaged, women need to also become INVOLVED - not just in voting, but in the political process itself.”
League is a unique place where the process of nominating a president is discussed and questioned. We have Leagues across the state studying the primary process. That is certainly timely.
League is a unique place where small groups fight for years to change the way districts are drawn and to rid the state of unfair “gerrymandering”. Finally we won part one of that battle in November and hope to see changes in the process of drawing districts for federal elections soon.
League is a unique place where thinking people can have timely conversations without rancor. Thank you for being a part of a productive year and thank you for helping your League move forward next year to better meet your needs and to help Ross County be a better place to live.
Annual Dinner When: Tuesday May 24. Gathering at 5:30, dinner at 6:00 Where: Carlisle Building Cost: $15 per person.
If you bring a guest the cost for that person will be $7.50 and our League will pick up the balance. This is a good opportunity to bring someone that you think might be interested in joining the group.
Reservation Deadline: May 15, 2016 Please contact either Mary Martin at 740-772-2186 or Bart Henshaw at 740-773-6702 to RSVP
Minutes from the 2015 Annual Meeting A must read for our upcoming annual meeting. Submitted by our former Secretary Cheryl Richards.
Chillicothe-Ross League of Women Voters
Annual Meeting 5/26/15
5:30pm - 6:00 pm Registration and Gathering
6:00pm – President Bart welcomed everyone to our annual meeting. Dinner was served.
Sarah Skinner presented the proposed program topics for 2015-2016. Sarah spoke on the Five to Thrive which is being presented by the Chillicothe Gazette. All members have until June 15, 2016 to sign up for a committee. Sign up sheets are on the table for everyone who would like to be on a committee.
Secretary Report:
Motion to approved: Mary Martin
Seconded by: Sharon Verhoff
Motion carried by unanimous affirmation
Treasurer Report:
Motion to approved: Nancy King
Seconded by: Fran Brown
Motion carried by unanimous affirmation
Committee Report:
Voter Services (Sharon Verhoff): Pathways to the Polls was a great success this year. Information was taken to the schools and libraries. If you are interested in working with voter services, please let Sharon know.
Board Nominations for 2015-2016:
President (2 yr) : Bart Henshaw
1st VP Program (2 yr): Sarah Skinner
2nd VP Membership (1 yr): Cheryl Richards
Secretary (2 yr): NEEDED
Voter Service Chair (2 yr): Sharon Verhoff
Board Nominations for 2015-2016
New offices are open this year and our structure is a board driven organization. The following positions are up for election for this year.
2nd Vice President: Membership - This position grows our League and this officer recruits members.
Treasurer - Mary Martin has served for many terms and is resigning her pencil. This person keeps our books in balance and is responsible for our monies.
Secretary - Keeps crucial notes and information for members, and records board meeting business.
Publicity Chair - keeps the public aware of events through various media sources.
Below is a list of individuals who have expressed interest. Nominations will also be taken from the floor at the annual dinner. We welcome new faces so if you are interested in any position on the board please contact Bart by e-mail at
2nd Vice President: Membership - Cheryl Richards
Treasurer -TBA
Publicity Chair - Heather Hansford
Secretary - Sharon Steinhoff
League of Women Voters Proposed Budget 2015-2016 Submitted by our current treasurer Mary Martin
Estimated income
PMP (40 members) x $55 $2,200
Christmas auction $200
Monies from checking $2,447
Total estimated income $4,847
Total in Janney Montgomery $5,092.04 Checking total $1,965.96
Proposed expenditures
PMP (40 members x $55) $2,200
Publicity & Voter $500
Membership assistance $200
Website Maintenance $200
Voter services $300
Statehood day $200
Publications $300
Liability insurance $347
Charitable fund $200
Annual dinner $300
Dinner Misc. $100
Total estimated expenses $4,847
Proposed Program Topics for 2016-2017 Program Year The following suggestions have come from members for consideration at the annual dinner where topics for the coming year will be chosen. Please think which of these will create the most informative and interesting combination for discussion next year. Additional ideas are welcome and we encourage members to share them by e-mailing Sarah Skinner at
Local Drug Epidemic April 2016 Program: Drug Expo A great deal of momentum has been building as the community addresses a spike in heroin overdose deaths. Our Drug Expo brought in a crowd of about 100 people and we forged partnerships with several key organizations who are focused on helping people recover from addiction. Continuing this Program could be of great benefit to the community.
Education February 2016 Program: Barriers to Education This is a study at the state level and of local interest. Has recent legislation created adequate accountability of charter school funding and expenditures? What is the link between corporate power and charter schools?
Income Inequality March 2016 Program: Income Inequality How does the widening gap between the richest Americans and others impact our sense of wellbeing, economy and political decision making? Who has the greatest ability to address the issue; business, voters, legislators, president?
Human Trafficking After three educational programs, this committee is now looking at ways in which the religious community is talking about human trafficking and how individuals can make an impact by reducing or preventing trafficking in our area. The Programming for this topic would focus on implementing an action in the community.
Voting Issues The passing of last year’s Gerrymandering ballot initiative is a step in the right direction toward fixing what has become a rigged election system. There is, however, still work to be done. Campaign finance and the influx of money into our political process is still cause for great concern. While Voter Services is an ongoing mission at all times for the League, some additional Programming that addresses specific and often overlooked problems may be valuable as well.
Women’s Health and Nutrition Ross County is close to the bottom of “healthy” counties in the state. What is happening to help improve the condition of health and nutrition among women and children? What are the barriers in reducing obesity and health care for women?
Natural Resources Recycling, clean water and a community garden are topics currently being studied by our committee. They can present a program update, create articles for the Voter, or implement new actions.
Political Guidance One of the primary reasons people give for not voting is that they don’t’ agree with the available candidates. If we want to encourage people to vote, they need good candidates who inspire them. There is also an extreme lack of women in government that needs to be addressed. A Program that guides people on how to run for public office would be very helpful.
From Margaret Planton: Our CRLWV Archivist
League of Women Voters Archives 1971 - 1976 Fall 1971 to spring 1972
President Mrs John McBride (Delores)
Membership unknown
Dues were $7.50
The Annual meeting was April 8, 1972 at “Oak Hill” the home of Mrs. C.Allen Smart, the speaker was the President of LWVO.
Mayor Clark Alexander gave the League of Proclamation for voter registration.
Fall 1972 to spring 1973
President Mrs John McBride
Membership unknown
Topics were how City and County government works, Juvenile Justice, the Ohio Constitution, decent housing, and women’s rights and voting since 18 year olds were enfranchised.
Fall 1973 to spring 1974
President Norma Albrecht
Membership was 44
Candidate’s Night was the 2nd of October at Orchard-Hill Church and included an Italian dinner. The group discussed having 2 evening meetings a year. Topics were campaign financing, Ross county land use, and Councilman James Caldwell discussed revenue sharing.
The ERA was ratified by Ohio, the 33rd state.
Fall 1974 to spring 1975
President Norma Albrecht
Membership was 47
The first League heritage homes tour and lunch as on Tuesday September 24.
A candidates’ forum and luncheon was at Carver Community Center.
Topics included land use, juvenile justice, solid waste, clean air and water, and government structure. The League submitted Chillicothe for an All-American Cities Citizen Action Award, which was among 21 finalists. Board members were very active in the community.
Fall 1975 to spring 1976
President Jackie Bergman
Membership was 58 including Alfred Currier and Grant McDonald
Candidates Meeting was May 20.
In October of 1975 the Bicentennial Tour of Heritage Homes and Inherited Fashion was held.
Programs included adult and juvenile justice, environmental protection, recreation, world hunger and the changing role of women. A self-defense program was help with the Jay-Cees.
Mayor Clark Alexander issued a proclamation about the tour and commended the League for our patriotic efforts.
League of Women Voters Chocolate Fantasy 1994 – Carver Community Center, May 1, Connie Myers chair 1995 – no information 1996 – no information 1997 – Carver Community Center, May, Kit Kinnamon chair 1998 – May, Kit Kinnamon chair 1999 – Pump House use given by Libby Sammons, February 7 2000 – Scioto Township Hall, February 13 2001 – Ross County Center, February 11 2002 – Pump House, February 10 2003 – Trinity Methodist Church, February 9 2004 – OUC, February 14 2005 – OUC, February 11
Membership Dues for 2016-17 Many members choose to pay their dues in May at the annual dinner. Our membership is open from May until the end of September. In addition to the Annual Dinner, dues can be also paid online with a credit card through our website, or via mailed check to the Vice President of Membership whose address will be posted in the Members area of the website once that position is filled.
Connect with your League! Facebook Page: Facebook Public Group: Chillicothe/Ross League of Women Voters
The League’s Mission The League of Women Voters of Ohio, a nonpartisan political organization, Encourages informed and active participation in government, Works to increase understanding of major Public policy issues, and Influences public policy through education and advocacy.