The Voter: December 2020
Quick Links:
The annual meeting of The Chillicothe Ross County League of Women Voters will take place via Zoom on January 26, 2021 at 7:00. We have discussed moving the annual meeting to the winter for two years to coordinate better with our fiscal year. In that our annual meeting of 2020 was postponed we will have a full agenda electing officers, planning programs, checking our financial plans and committee updates. Our League has something for everyone and the annual meeting will provide more information about ways to be involved.
We have learned to be flexible, determined and successful in 2020. The inability to have our Wine and Wonder fundraising event in March was devastating and we needed a couple of months to make a plan for communication and action, especially in a significant election year. As always, members of League have been creative and have lobbied for legislation that impacts voter access.
This newsletter contains information to help prepare for the meeting. Please keep a copy of this near when you tune in. A member roster will be coming soon so you can better identify other members in the meeting. Never in my lifetime has an organization that protects the process of voting been so important, you are in the right place at the right time. We need everyone to be involved.
Agenda from the 2019 Annual Meeting*
May 21, 2019 at 6:00 pm First Presbyterian Church in Chillicothe, OH
1. Welcome:
Co-Presidents Bart Henshaw
and Sarah Skinner
2. Dinner:
Taco Bar, Drinks, Fruit and Desserts Catered by Sally Rathkamp
3. Business Meeting:
Minutes from 2018;Tammy Simkins ( in the newsletter and on your table)
Budget for 2019-2020 Liz Gibbons-Camp
Report from Community Action: Betsy Moore
Report from Natural Resources: Bart Henshaw, Tammy Simkins
Election of Officers for 2019: Proposed Slate
President: need nomination
VP Program: Tammy Simkins
Secretary: Patrice Hussey
Voter Service Chair: Sarah Skinner
At-Large: Sharon Verhoff
4. Program:
Exploring our Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT)
Heather Welshimer from Adena Health System has volunteered to lead us through a process that we can use during planning to strengthen the organization.
5. Brainstorming:
Best ideas for 100th Anniversary
*Minutes pending. Will be sent out in advance of the Annual Meeting for 2021
League Business
Election of Officers for 2020-22
Vice President Membership nominees:
Dawn Zarbakhsh
Treasurer nominees:
Liz Gibbons-Camp
Publicity Chair nominees:
Tonia Brown
Election of Officers for 2021-23
President nominees:
Vice President Program nominees:
Dee Stevenson
Secretary nominees:
Patrice Hussey
Voter Service nominees:
2022 Nominating Committee
We need a volunteer to chair the Nominating Committee for 2022-24 that is not a Board member. The offices up for 2022 are:
Vice President Membership
Publicity Chair
The nominating committee is responsible for the following tasks:
Observe and identify members who are suitable for leadership positions
Formally ask suitable members if they are willing to run for any of the open positions
Report to the Board with the names of members willing to fill open positions
If you are interested in volunteering for the Nominating Committee Chair, please send an email to no later than January 24, 2021
Budget Proposal Jan. 2021- Dec. 2021
PMP: $55 per member (State: $25 per member) (National: $30 per member) (Local: $0 per member) (These are the dues we’ve been collecting for 2020-21. When we collect 2022 dues, they will go back to $75)
Fundraising: $1000
Auction: $200
Donations: $200
State and national dues: $55 per member (State: $25 per member) (National: $30 per member)
Fundraiser expenses: ???
Website: $365 (hosting & maintenance)
Voter services: $300 (Candidates’ Night - virtual: $0) (Candidates’ Night: $300)
Vote411: $150
Publicity/print materials: $175
Publications: $50 (for committee support, handouts, flyers, etc.)
PO Box: $64
Zoom account: $150 (Zoom is the easiest option for our members, and there is a discount for paying for the whole year. Propose that we extend our Zoom subscription for the full year January 1.
Membership: $100 (“Scholarship” Fund)
Liability insurance: $300
Statehouse Day/Convention: $100
Charitable Fund: $100 (Contributions to groups that support League positions and are involved in community outreach on voter education)
Total projected income: $1404
Total projected expenses: $1390
Program Proposal Jan. 2021 - Dec. 2021
January - Wed. the 27th at 7 pm - Annual Meeting
February - Tue. the 23rd at 7 pm - Tonia Brown - Black History Month
March - Tue. the 23rd at 7 pm - Tammy Simkins - ERA
April - Tue. the 27th at 7 pm - Beth Workman & Shara Scwarze - Conservation Issues
May - Tue. the 25th at 7 pm - Cheri Russo, WOUB - “OUR TOWN” (w/hoped for lead in by Margie Planton?)
June - no program
July - Sat./Sun. the 9th/10th? from 7 pm - 9 pm - Revitalization of ‘WINE ‘N WONDER’- in the park - FEEDBACK REQUESTED
August - Tue. the 31st at 7 pm - MEMBERSHIP OUTREACH - Dawn Z. & Cheryl Richards
September - Tue. the 28th at 7 pm - Voter Services topic - “Dark Money” ?- Bart H.
October - Tue. the 26th at 7 pm - Voter Services topic continued - Bart
November - Tue. the 30th at 7 pm - Voter Services - ?Defining political parties’ basic platforms - ? Stacey Brooks?
December - Tue. the 14th at 7 pm - Annual Party & Auction - LWV-CRC COOKBOOK*
Final dates and times subject to change